My fiance wants to cut off my head for not beginning wedding planning with her. We're currently both in college and the wedding is not until late 2014 (little more then 3 years from now according to our current timeline). I've been focusing more on school and work atm. But, she wants me to start coming up with ideas, colors, tuxedo ideas, plans, ect ect. She has a whole notebook full of great ideas, but mine is empty. She thinks that I'm not excited about getting married because of this (which I am very excited about, in the contrary). Just the idea of planning our wedding is very stressful for me. I'm not too good with this kind of stuff (which I must say she's great at). But she is right, I don't want her doing all the work.
So I need help with getting started. Is their any place I can get ideas or anything of that sort? Who could I talk to about this aswell?