I don't believe in conversion. I believe in freedom of religion. And freedom includes the choice not to have a religion at all.
I also don't believe in sexism. Why should the woman be the one who has to convert? Why not the man?
Some people claim they want to do what they want to do for the sake of the kids. Trust me, the religious beliefs (if any) that are imposed on children don't necessarily stick. Kids grow up, get a mind of their own, leave the roost, and susbsequently make their own decisions about religion.
I was raised Catholic, in a little hick town in the state of Maine in the USA. I was led to believe that the only other religion in the world was Protestant and that those practicing that religion were evil. When I grew up, left home, met other people (in the military) I learned differently. There are good and bad people everywhere, and their choices concerning the many religions available have no bearing on whether they are good or bad. Today, I'm an athiest who couldn't care less what people believe in terms of religion. In my opinion, it's their choice. Let their intelligence or lack of it guide them. And that applies to me too. I could have made my choice because of intelligence or because ignorance. Someday, when I walk away from this life (just as I walked away from home) I'll find out. The only thing I feel confident about in terms of religion is that I didn't make my choice based on fear. And when I die, believe it or not, I think I'll have the last laugh.