what color should i use for my wedding????
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
what color should i use for my wedding????
Thirteen answers:
Craptacular Wonderment
2006-01-21 09:27:53 UTC
COlors that look wonderful for indoors evening, since this is a more formal time, are for men gray, with pinstripe vests, and oversized ties, except for the groom, his "tie or bow tie" should color coordiante with your bridal bouquet.

And for your bridesmaids gowns, a royal blue,or a forrest green, but not together, and as a second color go with a cream color, remember materials should not be "lacy", as no one wants to be the doilie bridesmaid.

These colors are safest, and look good on everyone, but really shine during the evening.

NOW>>> How formal are you going? All the way surroundings too?

Because if you are get a matching cream colored tulle to do up the points of interest areas,( cake cutting table, gift table, etc.) it makes everything look like it's floating on a cloud, and it's very versatile, you can attach blue flowers to it any where or have the flower hanging off the top of the table onto the tulle attached around the front.

The reason I say cream color, is because you should be the shining focus point in the room, if you have too much white, you just Blend,, and you certainly don't want that on the most important day our your life.
2006-01-21 14:52:52 UTC
For a summer indoor wedding in the evening I would go for lighter colors - pink , champagne , green , anything that is light (not bright shades) Are there any specific colors that mean something to you and your fiance . Like was it your blue eyes he fell in love etc. Work on thinking special and pink your colore from there . Or you could pick colors depending on the flowers you will be using . I think any pastel color will be beautiful and goes wonderfully with a cream . Nice fresh colors .
2006-01-25 02:28:57 UTC
Do you have an underlying theme in your wedding?

Try searching for "color wheel" this is how designers pick colors. they start off a color and use a color wheel to see which other color combinations will look great with the original color.
2006-01-21 23:00:17 UTC
My sister is also getting married in June and her colors are red and silver. She's using lots of roses and silver ribbons. I think the darker colors, rather than pastels, show up better in pictures.
2006-01-21 09:27:54 UTC
Stick to warmer colors (Reds, Yellows, Oranges...) instead of cooler colors (Blues, Greens, Purples...) as these are better for summer weddings :)
2006-01-21 20:25:38 UTC
Light yellows and creams maybe evan a rasberry color.
2016-09-24 07:46:38 UTC
The bridesmaids do no longer ought to tournament your gown. you may % any colour under the rainbow for his or her dresses and that's wonderful. Champagne is a independent colour for my area. evaluate, the season that your wedding ceremony will ensue, the subject material which you % for the marriage to verify their dresses or it could additionally be your sought after colour.
2006-01-21 09:28:55 UTC
ok ;for ur wedding i suggest pink and blue that will be a heavens colors specialy if u have a black hair and blues eyes
2006-01-21 14:41:05 UTC
Red and Gold
2006-01-21 17:48:40 UTC
I'd say first to look at your venue. Are there any colors that are inharently a part of the place (carpet color in a church, hotel decor ect.) If there isn't any clues I'd begin focusing on other details and pick one color that will be there and run with it.

What really helped me with my wedding was creating a theme. This doesn't have to be anything you actually share with anyone, just something to capture the feel of it. I wanted a really magical, etherial feel to my wedding so I went with white and silver, for example. The mood will at least help you define if you want soft romantic colors, simply classic colors, or bright bold colors.

Don't worry if you don't have this decided yet. As you start picking out the other details look for color ideas and see if something stands out. Eventually something should.
2006-01-21 09:23:20 UTC
white n cream
Lady S
2006-01-21 09:44:52 UTC
lime green and yellow
2006-01-21 14:02:30 UTC
pink and black

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