Look, theres no person in the whole world who is worth taking your life for....believe!! You have to start realising you are worth more than this crap excuse for a man. If it really bothers you that much, go create bit of havoc in his marital life-go see his wife and tell him what a s**t her hubby has been....hopefully that will cause a bit of damage, hahaha! - plus deep down you really do know he is not the one for you - so in short you dont have anything to lose by doing this, hey it may even help u feel better?!
Next - you must dump the dude, tell him he aint a man and get on with your own life. Its tragic wht happin with the baby and guess you will never totally get over that, but hey he had a major role in making you do that, consider it fate and just think it a huge lesson for next time-dont even think of having a baby until you have tested out the strength of your relationship - as this is not fair on the child to come. Dont make the same mistake in life twice.
Go realise your self worth, consolidate and strengthen yourself, have self respect and dignity for yourself - if u display this then men realise you wont take their rubbish, if they dont, they aint worth bothering about mate! So chin up and be proud, dont self harm, ur too good for that!