Red is a good complimentary color to black and white. Usually brides pick out three colors. You can get an aisle runner for aisles or scatter white silk rose petals before ceremony. Have pew markers with a lots of white with just a dot of black, some black ribbon loops or picks and some silver picks or shortened ting ting, or something similar.. For church flowers use something dramatic, like with silver ting ting coming out of , very tall, and just about say three red roses in a large arrangement to tie the red in. You can also cover the pulpit area (at front) with white cloth if you want, either buy commercial or use white king sized sheets, pin down at seams and use 2 or 3 inch wide black ribbon to cover seams and to give a black and white color scheme.
If you do not cover carpet in pulpit/front area use white flower and candle stands as white or gold will draw the eye more than black. You can also use a lots of greenery, lots of palms, shorter ones and they will break up the red, maybe shorter ones in front and taller ones in back. Also, a white arch decorated with pretty different greenery, with white flowers, maybe a bit of black baby's breath/gypsophilia, again a couple or three red roses with the mostly white flowers and greenery to tie in the red color, like this color was planned all along. If you want to use white candles then you will have to go with the black or gold stands, unless and I think this might be pretty, still use white stands,etc. and have florist make a "bed" of greenery and gyp, to sit white candles in. Even white candlelabras can have greenery woven thru them to make a "break" between white stand and white candles. How to bring in black???? Maybe have big white bows at center of each candlelabra or floral arrangement and have florist use smaller black/silver (like prom ribbon, only larger) use the black/silver in the center of the white bow and use smaller ribbon in center of bow. Or is you want a lots of black, have black bows with smaller silver ribbon in center, florist will know how to make or you can experiment, don't know how much you are doing yourself. Do not like black bows by themselves, need some silver to "perk" up. Also, I like the white tulle diamante, looks white and sparkly, this makes pretty tulle bows and can be used alone or with greenery and silver ribbons to make pretty pew markers. Some people stream tulle between each pew with a bow at each or every other pew and have guests enter pews from sides rather than from center aisles, this would also protect a white carpet runner, just so the bridal party only walks on it. If you use a solid white aisle runner, you will have to use a lots of silver ribbon for pew markers and if you stream white tulle between each pew, silver ribbon and a tiny black interwoven loosely around white tulle will add color to the "all white". Streaming black tulle would look too dreary, will have to use white diamante or there may be a pretty grey or silver tulle that you can intertwine silver ribbon with. I like the idea of streaming the tulle from pew to pew and having guests enter from sides, depending on your budget with white flowers, a bit of black and again a couple/three roses to bring in the red at every other pew. Have some silver sparkle in these and maybe a white or black bow with a tiny red ribbon made down the center of the wider white or black ribbon that bow is made of, black with a tiny red would look classy and different, but you would have to be sure to have a lots of greenery between tulle and white flowers and incorperate some silver ribbon loops, picks, ting ting, black ribbon loops or picks, baby's breath, etc. This site has tullle, ting ting and other tall items for flower arrangements, almost everything needed, a very good site. You could also look around at Michaels or Hobby Lobby or let florist help you and find a black sheer ribbon with silver stripes to use on pew markers and bows for floral arrangements if you want to have bows in your church flowers, some do, some don't. Going to look at black and white weddings on Yahoo and will come back. Hope this helps!!!