I think asking for a grocery gift card is fine, they do sell other things at the grocery store besides food, and as much as setting up a household costs these days, I think it will be fine. If you are worried that people will think wrong of it, tell people money is fine, and use it at the grocery. You can tell people you are buying your collection of spices for cooking. A approved answer, because that is one of the first things an old fashioned bride would have done. And one of the first things I did when I moved out on my own. When people ask you what you want, tell them the truth about what you want, and thank them for asking. Arm your Mom, the MIL, and the bridesmaids and close female relatives with a list of things you want. People often ask them, guests want the present they buy to be a surprise, so they hit up the maids and the relatives for info. And asking for a Walmart or Target card might seem tacky, but it is practical good sense when you are not rich, and setting up a household. Go price mops, buckets, Comet cleanser, dust cloths and polish, vacuum cleaner bags, and on and on. Make a list of everything you need to clean a house with, add it up, and if you can get it all for less than $150 bucks, you did not get everything you need. It makes sense to get it as cheap as you can, why pay more? And again, ask for money, tell people that it is for setting up your household, and that should do it.