Cleveland 01/15/10
What of the SEGWAYS,.? They, when improved may, just become the way of the city,..'en city dwellers,.Inventions are the product from thoughts,.that become materials,.Meanwhile,..some
inventions be intangible,..A way of doing stuffs,..Be, so unique that makes the way patentable,..
Do you know,..Proposals starts some of the greatest of developments,..achievements,..even,.
So, not shoot the messenger,.find out what he's bringing,..he could be bringing a big ch-
eck as grant money,..and, unannounced award,.Stuffs like that,.
Enjoy life dearie,..Concider proposals,..The way Pilots land Airplanes,.and, take off,..Health
Insurance Coverage for every citizen,.Yeah,..?? Just a couple of my many PROPOSALS,..
Eliasis Yahwehei ( The Main Man )