2009-08-05 19:01:31 UTC
He was previously married once upon a time for less than 5 years (he was relatively young when he married), has absolutely no contact with his ex, and has thrown out everything ever associated with her.
His family on the other hand has retained everything they could, from videos and photos of her as well as the two of them together, to wedding gifts, and his wedding band (his ex's gift to him... the family didn't pay for it nor was it a family heirloom). They have all described how much they hated her from the first moment they met her, and how they are so glad to be rid of her, but yet the actions seem contradictory. To top it all off, they've gone as far as to show me the videos and photos even though I've expressed how it bothers me to see my partner kissing someone else, and they make it a point to let me know that the wedding band is still in their possession.
I hope I'm not coming across as insecure about the whole situation - I am completely fine with the fact that my partner had a previous marriage with someone else, but I don't like the fact that his family makes it a point to flaunt his past to me on a regular basis.
That being said, I'm wondering if it is unreasonable of me to ask my partner to talk to his family about getting rid of the wedding ring. He never wanted to keep it, but they kept it despite his wishes. I'm thinking that if we are to move forward into our own life, then certain elements of his past might need to go. After all, they have all (my partner included) made it quite clear to me that if I'm to have any future with my partner, I'd have to get rid of reminders from my entire past (which I have).
What are your thoughts?