BRIDE PET PEEVE--what's yours?
2008-03-03 13:07:03 UTC
Okay--I have my Bride pet peeve of the day--I've gotten 3 people that said--I got your invite today--isn't it way to early? NO it's 8 wks--people fail to realize we need a response 2-2.5 wks early! UGH!
24 answers:
2008-03-03 13:22:45 UTC
mine was that after a bm put down her deposit on the dress, backed out of the wedding saying it was due to money issues, myself and matron of honor (whose one of her great friends as well) offered to pay for the dress....she said no she just couldn't do it..

come to find out she felt that her and i weren't close enough anymore (this is news to me!)

i wish she would've declined....

thats my pet peeve.. LIARS!

EDIT: Another pet peeve is when I've provided postage for people to mail back my rsvps..and then when they see me they hand it to me. Come on now.

My mom won't EVEN OPEN THE INVITE because she wants it to stay as is..that Ticks me off royally! LOL
2008-03-03 23:52:47 UTC
with all the hassle, the aggravation, heated discussions, tears, banging the head against the wall, and hysterics, i often wonder why we bother with the big weddings? why don't we just get quietly married and send out announcements? it would be so much easier on the nerves!

ah pet peeve has always been the '' attitude of some brides, the 'its my wedding' attitude. having said that i have noticed a bit of a turn in the way things are going lately. i am seeing more and more postings from many of 'our' brides asking how they can make things a little easier, a little more comfortable, for their out of town guests, and their guests in general! it is so nice to see that the 'its my wedding' attitude is fading a bit!

i have said it before, and i will say it again, my favourite yahoo brides rock - they are really making an effort to take care of their wedding guests, they are really making an effort to get away from all these over the top style weddings we've been seeing over the past couple of years and all in all they seem to a really down to earth bunch of brides!

so i guess my current peeve is when someone asks a question, you answer honestly and they report you for some trumped up reason! i guess they don't want honesty they just want you to agree with them! sadly thats just not my style!

have a good evening!

edit: to bluegirl, i think cream and ivory will work very well for your wedding! now go have a nice hot bubble bath and relax. good luck with it all!
2008-03-03 22:32:53 UTC
gotta love this TOPIC!!!

Ok here are my pet peeves

1. the kids question - we've both long ago decided we don't want kids. Infact it was somethign we talked about way before we got engaged, which you should in my opinion. what irks me is when people ask us why we don't want them. Like it is any of their business why! I do have to admit I smile from ear to ear inside when their faces drop after I tell them. I know thats so wrong but I don't care serves them right for asking to begin with.

2. Location - A few people have commented on why we are having our wedding in Las Vegas and not in our area (So Cal). My response "Hmmm let me see because I wanted to get married in Vegas" I dunno just a thought I guess LOL =-)

3. Are you wearing white? Uh yeah!! what kind of question is that anyway??!! People are soooo dumb I tell you. They all think you can only wear white if your a virgin when the whole white dress tradition had NOTHING to do with virginity in the first place UGHH!!!!

4. Wedding parties footwear - Both our bridesmaids and groomsmen will be sporting black Chuck Taylor's. Untraditional don't you think, is what they ask. My response "Well yeah that was the basis of it's appeal!!"
2008-03-03 21:21:25 UTC
All those wedding vendors that keep calling me all hours of the day! I went to a Bridal Expo a couple of months ago and stupidly put down my information and that I wanted info about things that I didn't have yet (tux, flowers, invitations), which of course was sent out to tons of places. The Expo wasn't even worth it (there were only about 15 vendors there and the "fashion show" turned out to be a chance for all the women in the audience to hoot and holler at the male runway models)! I've told these places that I'm not interested, but they keep calling. Biggest mistake I did so far with planning (although the catalogs I've been getting have been kinda helpful).

And I totally hear you about the invitations - I'll probably send mine out within the next 2 weeks and my wedding is not until June.
Diana W
2008-03-04 02:36:09 UTC
My Pet-Peeve:


she puts her nose in planning where it doesn't belong and starts to tell me how we are too young, the many many ways HER wedding went wrong, the fact that we want to be prepared with all of our information early rather than getting things like oh say the addresses for her guests a week before invites are sent, and how she doesn't even want us to think about children for at least 5 years (HELLO WE ARE 25 I THINK WE CAN HANDLE OUR OWN LIVES!) sorry, I could go on and on and on for ever and ever, but I'll save you the reading!
2008-03-03 23:23:44 UTC
I've got a few.

#1. My Mother and his mother inviting people to the wedding without asking us. I now have an aunt and uncle coming, whom I cant stand, (He used to grope me when I was 15 for gods sake) And a lady and her daughter whom I have never met, because she used to look after my fiance when he was a baby? Come on.....If I'd wanted them, I would of asked them myself.

#2. My mother and various other people trying to get us to have caterers come and take care of all the food for us. I am catering myself, with lots of help from my sisters. I have done my research and know I can get a whole lot more food and diversatity, for my money. Hell I am paying for the event after all!!! If they want caterers they can damn well pay for them.

#3. People telling me I dont really need to dress up and I cant wear cream or ivory because it is my 2nd wedding. It is my fiance's 1st wedding and if I want to look and feel like a bride, then why the hell not???? My Mum thinks I should just go buy a $20 red dress from Target.....or worse, why dont you wear the green dress you wore to so and so's wedding last year???. It's my wedding day for gods sake!!!

Okay....that's my rant over......sorry. :-)
2008-03-03 22:11:53 UTC
My pet peeve was my SIL and MIL trying to get me to change the venue from Cincinnati to Columbus becaus his family is from Columubs. Let's see his family, my SIL, BIL, MIL. Most of his friends were were older because I've known them all my life. No way was I going to ask people that were retired to drive up to Columbus, get a hotel room, etc. When I wanted to have it in Cincinnati to begin with because I was familiar with the area and my DH didn't care where it was. All I heard for months was how it wasn't fair to his family to have to drive to Cincinnati. Ok then don't come. Then it was how much we were spending. What business is it of yours no one from his family donated a dime. Then it was my designing and making my dress. Why wasn't a dress from a store good enough for me? It went on and on. They finally shut up because I stopped having them over but it took a while. Fortunately, we used an RSVP service so we didnt have to worry about people rsvp'ing or calling them. The company kept track of everything, called people if they rsvp'd for more than two people or if they didn't rsvp by the deadline. It made things a lot less stressful and easier for us. I had enough to worry about without having to worry about rsvp's too.
sarah jane
2008-03-03 22:17:12 UTC
My pet peeve was that people who were invited decided they couldn't come, and sent a stand in to take their place! In one case, my aunt couldn't come, so my uncle brought his daughter instead. Another cousin and her boyfriend couldn't come, so she sent another cousin in her place, along with his girlfriend- one who I haven't laid eyes on since he was two (he's now approximately 24, I'm really not sure to be honest). The worst part is that these people who I didn't know are in about 70% of the photos from my reception!!

No explanation was ever given for the no-shows, and in the second case, no gift was ever sent. Nice!
2008-03-03 21:52:50 UTC
It has to be the kids issue: My future MIL wants grandbabies yesterday. She even went so far as to send me an article highlighting the risks that caffeine may have on miscarriage! I realize she meant in a thoughtful way and it was a good article, but 1) we aren't married yet, and 2) we aren't trying.

Oh, and I am sure I will get annoyed by people writing in people or not RSVP ing...
Sandy Ego
2008-03-03 21:37:35 UTC
My pet peeve was when people would tell me "You'll regret it later if you don't do " (have a fancy wedding, have a fancy honeymoon, have a fancy ring, have a fancy dress, have a fancy cake, etc)

I was 30+ years old when I was getting married, and had been around the block a few times... I knew what I would or would not "regret". We spent less than $500 on our wedding, and so far neither one of us have regretted a thing!
2008-03-03 21:39:05 UTC
1.) I hate it when people assume that I'm pregnant or dying to get pregnant because I'm getting married.

2.) I hate it when people find out I'm getting married so they give me advice I didn't ask for. You know it's coming when you hear, "If it were MY wedding I would..."

3.) I hate it when relatives start inviting other people to the wedding weeks or months before the invitations even go out. The day after I announced my wedding date to my parents my mom started inviting people. She called my cousins halfway across the country and invited them. Then my cousin emails me saying she's bringing her boyfriend and their two friends who all "want to come party in the city and go to the wedding." How do you respond to that when you never planned on inviting the cousins in the first place?

4.) I hate it when people assume my parents are paying and helping with the wedding when they're not.
2008-03-03 21:21:40 UTC
Wow thats weird people thought your invites were early. Im waiting on 2 invites for August....I keep checking the mail!!! lol. Perhaps I shouldnt be so often. Hmmm

Bride pet peeve/ engament pet peeve: When you tell people you got engaged and they say "about time" (we have a daughter together)

That and when people tell me they think Ill be pregnant for our wedding next year or tease me that I better not get pregnant.

I love my fiance and sometimes it feels like people dont appreciate our love and choice to get married cause they think we "have to".
2008-03-03 21:19:21 UTC
Wow, forget what week is what, who does that? Who responds to a wedding invite by turning around and criticizing you for it? I swear, no one has any manners these days!

My bride pet peeve was the people who didn't RSVP who I had to track down by phone. I'm sure you have that to look forward to as well!
Gotta luv it!
2008-03-03 21:22:06 UTC
i have a couple pet peeves, one being the kid question. What the hell, let me get married first... Ugh.

And the other is me having to repeat myself about things. Its our wedding, we are paying for it and we want it a certain way and there is no changing our minds. I dont know how many times my mom has tried to change my mind on the same things over and over again... Arrrgh.. EX. i want to dye my crinoline orange, and everytime i bring up a question how she thinks i should go about doing it, she always thinks i am going to dye it so orange that you will see it through the dress.... My dress weighs a tone by itself, and there is no way you are going to be able to see through it....

And no you didnt send your invites to early. Questions like that from people make me wonder what planet they are from?

thanks for the venting question.
2008-03-03 21:12:56 UTC
my mother in law was trying to tell me how to do things when i was the one always online looking up the information and what not. she thought that b/c she was married at the same place we were getting married that she could take over the planning. thats why when i have my formal wedding, i'm not going to tell anyone about the details until the last minute when the invites are sent out.
Ethan's Mama
2008-03-03 21:27:13 UTC
Lol I'm going through the same thing. This lady at the church actually asked me "are you guys gonna start having kids right away, because i think you should start right away and have 5 children just like your mother" I wanted to smack her but then i remember i was in church. people ask the stupidest most personal questions and i hate the people that always tell me you shoould have this in your wedding not that and you should really reconsider having your wedding inside because god wont be there if it's outside. again a moment when i wanna smack someone. i just learn to be sarcastic with them i be like "really that is a great idea, thats the best idea i've ever heard in my entire life" and then i walk away just to stop myself from smacking someone. when they show up at the wedding wondering why I didnt have their idea incorparated in my wedding I will simply say. "you idea was nice but i choose to go with my own thank you"
2008-03-03 21:20:02 UTC
Take a deep breath and exhale.

My pet peeve is my fiance's sister. The @&^#!-itch from the deep cisterns of the burning red furnace or to put it politely, the witch from hell. We really don't want her at the wedding.
2008-03-03 21:11:23 UTC
Actually, a month to a month and a half is typically when invitations get sent out... but, you're right, it isn't "way too early".

A week or two before my wedding, the BEST MAN backed out of the wedding and then the day before the wedding, one of the girls that volunteered to sing in the wedding backed out. Now THAT is something to get ticked about.
2008-03-04 00:35:27 UTC
Ugh! Mine is that people keep asking wedding details then giving their opinion (meaning how I should change things to what their personal taste is) without me wanting it!
2008-03-03 21:15:15 UTC
Depending on the season, 8 to 10 weeks is ideal ( and earlier if guests will travel a distance), but many people don't plan further ahead than a few days it seems.
2008-03-03 21:15:50 UTC
For me it's 2.

1 - because we live together, people assume we "have" to get married... even though we were engaged before we bought the house together.

2 - people asking when and how many kids we're planning on...

Why do either question require a response?
just me
2008-03-03 21:17:51 UTC
People who don't RSVP...I think it's very rude. I realize that yes our weddings aren't top on people's mind but it takes 2 seconds to rsvp and you litterally need people to do so

Edit: Kit this happened to us too! one of our groomsman has taken it upon himself to invite 2 people(add guests that 4!) ugh!!
Angela O
2008-03-03 21:11:23 UTC
My pet peeve is that we aren't even married yet and others are asking when we are having kids. Give me a break (literally and figuratively)!!
2008-03-03 21:17:36 UTC
My pet peeve of the day.... people you have invited to your wedding taking it upon themselves to invite others to your wedding "because they are sure you wanted them there".....Hello!!! If I wanted them there I would have invited them myself!!!!

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