Yes I do believe in some relationships taking a break does help. It can help strengthen a relationship.
My personal opinion is maybe it is best for the two of you to take a break. Whatever is going on the two of you aren't connecting at this time.
Will it ruin what you have? Not necessarily. If you love one another and want a relationship to succeed sometimes you have to do things that may seem bad for a relationship. Sometimes stepping back and giving space to one another can help immensely. Of course sometimes it makes one of you realize that maybe it's just not what you want.
The getting emotional part is just being scared. Scared that while it was something you think is good, is scared of what may happen. It's completely normal. We can't control what will happen in the future. But would you rather continue in a relationship that has become unhealthy or would you like to try and make it healthy again? If you two are meant to spend the rest of your lives together it will happen, don't worry about what you can't control, it's going to happen regardless.
Staying together for the sake of a child, could be more detrimental because children are very resiliant and can sense when something is amist with their parents
. I'm not against relationships. I just think that if your having thoughts of taking a break, then maybe you should go with your gut feelings.
Please don't believe those that say if you take a break that he won't come back, the relationship is down the tubes. That isn't necessarily always say. I've had many friends who have taken breaks from their gf/bf it may have been a month to 6 months and then went back and tried again and the relationship is at it's best because they took the time to find themselves.
My only other suggestion is if your having doubts of not taking a break now, then maybe seeking couples counseling will help. You can get this through a church or a doctor. And it's not as expensive as you think. You just have to call around and find the resources.
I agree that taking a break will help you both not to take one another for granted. It may very well help you see what you have with him and him you. Be strong and keep your head up.
Good luck!