I'm having a very tough time with wedding stress...any advice?
2008-10-20 02:20:29 UTC
Hello...I am getting married on November 1st, less than two weeks away. I realize that as brides to be we all get very stressed, and I was handling it pretty well up until about a month ago. And then things changed. I go to bed around 12-1 a.m. (even if I go in earlier, I can't fall asleep until then), and for the past month, I've been waking up at 3-3:30 a.m. in a panic. I start thinking about a trillion things and cannot go back to sleep so I just get up. My skin if breaking out HORRIBLY.

I am not nervous about getting married or anything like that, but I've had to plan this entire wedding by myself due to my family and friends not being close by. I have a history of anxiety & depression in my past, and have been fortunate to have gotten past most of it. How do I prevent myself from getting there again? I know this may be a pointless question, but I was just wondering if anyone else has been there, and some ways I can maybe keep my head above water.
Sixteen answers:
2008-10-20 07:13:46 UTC
Yes, we've all been there and some of us have even more stress to overcome because our weddings are quite a ways away. I applaud you for planning a wedding all by yourself, it takes a lot of commitment and hard work. Just relax, treat yourself to a day at the spa. Get your nails done and a massage. Maybe do your hair too.

Listen to relaxing music maybe do some yoga. About your skin breaking out, if you can get your hands on it, pick up some differin. It's a prescription medicine so be sure to talk to your doctor first. I suggest using the cream not the gel, it doesn't irritate your skin and it works much faster. If you need to get rid of the blemishes in a hurry and cannot get differin, try using lemon juice or a tea tree spot treatment. Also, on the ones that are filled with puss, use toothpaste, it will dry them out in no time.

Drink lots of water. Main thing to remember is why you're doing this. Not for money, not for the shock effect, not for the happiness of others, for you & your fiance. You're doing it to be with someone you love for the rest of your life and that's all that matters. So just calm down, take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy this time because it will never come again. And about the having trouble sleeping thing, take some sleeping aides before you go to bed, tylenol p.m. works great. Always keep God first in your lives.
2008-10-20 05:35:18 UTC
Look beyond the wedding into the honeymoon and spending your life with your sweetheart. The wedding will be beautiful. Do not worry so much.

Go to the spa or make your own spa at home. Have a few friends over for a movie night or just get a nice book and read up on love.

Be thankful for all the blessings in your life and never stress and realize that you are in fact in control of your life and noone can cause you to get into depression.

At nights try yoga. Just go on youtube or look up some tutorials online for free and try some breathing exercises. Write down your thoughts and tell yourself that this is supposed to be a happy time and laugh even if you do not feel like it.

Get your fiance involved and go hiking or go swimming. Dance for yourself and workout a little to relieve stress.

Live life happy.

All the best and congratulations missy! All will be fine :)
2008-10-20 04:42:54 UTC
Weddings are horribly stressful. If you don't have a to-do-list, then create one now. Put it on a computer or paper. Doesn't matter which. (I prefer computer) Keep a small notebook or piece of paper beside your bed with a pencil and a small flashlight.

If you wake up worried, write down what you're worried about then turn over and forget it. You've written it down and it will be there to take care of in the morning. Don't turn the light on. Instead, use the tiny flashlight so your body won't be affected.

If that doesn't work, try praying. You'll go back to sleep easier.

If you're still awake, realize what the gal above said. It's just a wedding. Everything will be okay. It's the marriage that is important and you've said that you aren't worried about that. Basically, make yourself think of other things. Don't let yourself think about the wedding. Refuse to give into it.

I wish you the very best~
Mother M
2008-10-20 06:46:57 UTC
Sarah gives good advice.

Remember this about your wedding:

The ONLY thing that matters is for you, your groom and the officient to show up at the wedding place on November 1st.

Everything....yes, EVERYTHING else is just fluff and details.

Honestly, no matter what happens, at the end of the Day you WILL be "Mrs. Love of your Life".

You can choose to be all worried and anxious and cry about things that might go wrong. OR... you can choose to decide to laugh about the things that will go wrong. These are the things that make your day special.

One of my best friends was at a wedding where the power went out in the middle of the reception. Many brides would be in tears and think of this as a HUGE disaster.

However, there were candles on the tables, some quick-thinking groomsmen headed out to the local Wal-Mart to purchase a battery operated CD player and the reception went on. And...years later, my friend is STILL talking about this wedding!
2008-10-20 02:39:09 UTC
I agree with sarah. You are missing the whole concept of getting married girl! This day is about you and your future husband! I am sure your plans are beautiful and will work out just fine. If not then dont let it bother you! You just need to focus on your new hubby and that it is a special day for the both of you. If things do go exactly how you planned dont worry it will all work itself out! Relax! Weddings are time to be fun and get drunk lol so just focus on walking down the isle saying your i dos and then off to the music and dancing! Once the wedding starts there are a lot of people that will usually step up to help. No worries!
2008-10-20 06:28:13 UTC
I'm getting married on January 3rd. I am about as nervous as you are. I also have a history of anxiety & depression. I am sure that you have done everything to make your wedding a success. Remember it is your day. Everyone tells you to relax which is easy for them to say but hard to do. My family is close by and I am still planning the wedding on my own. Take one day try to put the wedding aside. Go to a spa or shopping. Do something that you enjoy. This weekend spent the weekend in bed eating oreo and didn't do nothing for the wedding. I am rejuvenated! Take a break before you have to take a!

Good Luck
2008-10-20 07:16:00 UTC
A few things helped me, I got married 6 months ago.

1) Go crazy with to-do lists. I literally had a to-do list for every day for the last 2 weeks, things that I needed to do each day (call and confirm caterer, make wedding programs, etc.). So if you wake up in the middle of the night, just add a note to the list and realize you can do it later. My fiance and I would look at the schedule every night to make sure we were on task and not forgetting anything.

2) Go ahead and start packing for the wedding day. I put a big box in my living room and started putting stuff for the wedding day in it. Votive candles for the reception, toasting flutes, etc. I wrote in a sharpie on the side of the box so I could see at a glance what I'd already packed.

3) Enlist your friends! I had 4 girls as helpers on the wedding day (2 handed out programs, 1 read scripture, 1 ran a video camera) and I assigned each of them something to be responsible for on the day. Florist, Caterer, Cake, etc. So that way they knew everything I did and no one had to pester me on the wedding day.

4) Like everyone else is saying, realize that the most important part of the day is getting married. I kept reminding myself that as long as I had the marriage license, the groom, and the minister nothing else really mattered!

Best of luck to you!
2008-10-20 02:34:57 UTC
Try to remember that most of the people at the wedding are there because they are either you or your future husband's friends/family. They are there to celebrate your marriage, not judge the wedding day. Even if something does go wrong - what's the worst that can happen? You're not going to be subjected to a public stoning if the table floral arrangements aren't to Great Aunt Mary's liking, are you? Try to focus on what is great about your big day - your public affirmation of love, your family and friends coming together to celebrate. If you have a history of anxiety and depression, you would be aware of your warning signs....if necessary get to your GP now, and start a course of medication (only of it has helped previously - now;s not the time to start experimenting!). Tell your fiance your troubles - that's what you and he are meant to do for the rest of your lives; share the burden.
2008-10-20 02:36:37 UTC
oh getting married on november 9th! well im getting stressed aswell,but not as much as i thought i would be.try not to worry this much-it wont do you any need to try and address why you are getting this stressed out.what could really be thhat bad & what is the worst that can go wrong(this is what i had to think).i know its easier said than done,ive been taking the calms liquid-which calms your nerves and de-stresses does work!but try to take it only when you need it,or you will be taking it all the time!

try to take some time out from thinking about it everyday-have a bath,treat yourself to some shopping etc.go out with your friends.its meant to be the happiest day of your life-relax and enjoy it! good luck!
2008-10-20 05:42:15 UTC
What always helps me in situation where I'm stressing over an upcoming event is to remind myself - it will be done soon. You can survive two more weeks can't you? If you can make it through the next two weeks (and I think you can!) then the planning will be over and it will be your wedding day. Just keep telling yourself, it's almost over, it's almost over . . .

Good luck to you!
2008-10-20 02:40:36 UTC
hi im getting married soon too. and i was going through the same problem too as i have to do everything by myself as my boyfriend is abroad.i couldn't sleep,i used to wake up in the middle of the night.panic,cry and when something goes wrong i used to think why when im doing everything alone every things happening like this to me.i used to be sad, angry.................. but then i realized it's just one day that i am trying to make special not only for me but for everyone who has been invited.but frankly im telling you it will come and pass by and no one will realize if even anything goes wrong.cause everyone comes to Enjoy and have just have fun and do the things u have to do.make the most out of cool take it easy.just have a ball.........
Sarah Townen
2008-10-20 02:26:13 UTC
honestly this was the advice given to me and i loved it

at first i was pissed, then realized she was told the same thing, then we laughed and realized it's true

it's JUST a wedding

you are getting married

there is a legal aspect to it

people are coming to watch that, then to party

if something goes wrong...who cares?


it's not like people expect perfection?

relax (as much as possible) and remember that this is ONE day, and you will regret all the fuss and stress later

honestly, it's one day

try to remember that

i hope that helped

honestly it came to me at the right time

i gave my head a shake and was able to move on

congrats on the wedding!
oy vey
2008-10-20 06:16:25 UTC

Seriously, if you've had anxiety issues in the past then you need to talk to your doctor.

You don't want to have a panic attack in the middle of the ceremony.
2008-10-20 03:40:02 UTC
Remember that getting married to the man you love is why you are doing all this.

Everything else is gravy, really.
2008-10-20 02:30:29 UTC
Elope. No wedding = no stress = happy bride = happy groom = wedded bliss.
2008-10-20 02:35:01 UTC
eat lots of candy. Just remember to brush your teeth after.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.