I’ve been vegan half my life and my fiancé has been vegan for almost all of his life as a lot of his family are vegan or vegetarian. We decided early on that we would only have vegan food at our wedding. However now members of my family are turning around and saying that they won’t attend if I serve vegan food, even my own mother has turned around and said she won’t attend as they’ll be nothing she can eat. I’ve been to family weddings, celebrations and birthdays where there has been literally nothing for me to eat and I’ve sat there with a smile on my face. After the first 2 where I realised there was no food I could eat, I brought my own and was often shunned to eating it in my car. I had to pay for and cook my own food when I went vegan as my parents refused to “fund my damaging lifestyle” but were ok to give my brother money every weekend to get incredibly drunk.
I don’t want to fall out over something as silly as what food I serve but at the same time it’s important to me to have vegan food.