We're in a tough economy right now.
Many photographers are willing to wheel and deal.
Ask that the original proof CD be submitted to you as part of the *contract*.
Also, see if you can assign a friend with a laptop, empty external hard disk, and memory card reader so that the photos taken can be downloaded at the end of the event.
If not, then you should have stated in your contract that the *original* digital files in RAW format are to be burned to CD, not weak JPEG thumbnail shots.
Good luck.
We had 6 photographers at our wedding. 3 were amateurs with high end equipment, and the other 3 are pros. They helped each other and didn't interfere with each other.
They all are friends of ours and wanted to gift their talents and hobby to us!
Nearly 1,800 photos were taken and they gave us the original files on CD's. WOW!