2009-08-19 22:18:57 UTC
I recently got married in a fairly decent-sized bash. I opted to have my stepfather walk me down the aisle because my dad-dad and I hadn't really spoken for some years. I asked dad-dad to give me the first dance to balance things out with his side of the clan however and also out of respect for the 12 years he did give our family and he agreed, not especially happily of course but he understood. He has two other daughters, one of whom he has already walked down the aisle, and my stepdad has no natural children of his own, so this made sense to everyone.
Except to grandma, that is. Four days before my wedding, she called me and demanded that bio dad walk me down the aisle instead of stepdad, i.e., to change plans at the last minute, called me a cruel daughter and said it was an insult to the whole family. I told her biodad and I had already resolved it between ourselves, but she just wouldn't let up. Shortly afterward, at my wedding, she sat there with grandpa the whole time with her lips pursed and her arms folded. I knew she was angry so 2 weeks after our wedding my husband and I decided to fly down to pay her a visit to try to make amends.
No such luck. Almost immediately upon arrival, she got very nasty. First, she was ENRAGED about how she was not invited to the rehearsal dinner. I know it's proper to invite all out-of-town guests, but my fiance's dad is not well-off. He wanted to pay for it as is tradition but he didn't really understand how costly it would be, and that was a puzzle in and of itself. So we tried to be considerate by inviting only those people in the wedding party to a very quiet rehearsal dinner. But grandma heard about it, and berated me for leaving them out. She also said the band we'd hired had been "bad for dancing", even though we hired them with her preferences in mind (we also had my husband, who is not Jewish, stomp on the glass, I removed my spectacles even though he loves them at her request, and wrangled with the caterer for hours so the menu would be the way SHE wanted it - she's VERY picky). Next, she was angry about how she wasn't personally asked to pose for the professional photographers even though there are many photographs of her with family. It just kept on going on and on. Finally I said, "grandma, I'm this close to losing it, just lay off me." But she wouldn't. Finally, I broke down into tears right there in a restaurant. I felt like she was trying to ruin my wedding day for me, and that all the things I did to try to please her were meaningless. My husband, admirably, remained silent in her presence and just held me while I cried. It was so terribly sad too, grandpa has Alzheimer's, and when I started to cry he cried too even though he didn't understand enough to know why.
Some part of me feels that telling a bride you hated her wedding, especially in the case of somebody you thought you were close with as punishment for not following her "orders" re: who walks you down the aisle, is a serious offense. I am very upset and angry, and my husband does not want me to speak to her for awhile until I cool down. On her side, she is quite old and maybe feeling like people don't pay her enough respect, but she has always been extremely interested in appearances and having her own way. That is nothing new, and has caused problems in the past. I don't want to cause a permanent rift, but I am really disappointed that she tried to make me feel so very bad about an otherwise joyous day. What should I do?