The bare minimum you need to get married is:
1) Meet with your minister to arrange the time for your wedding.
2) Acquire a marriage license or arrange for publication of Banns.
3) Appear at church at the appointed time with your fiance and two witnesses.
Everything else is optional -- even the rings. So, what you need to do next, after meeting with the minister, is decide what optional extras you actually do want:
- Will you wear your Sunday best dress -- or get a special dress, and if getting a dress how fancy do you want it to be?
- Will you invite other people to see you get married, and if so how many, and who?
- Will you serve refreshments and entertain your guests after the service, and if so where and how extensive will the entertainment be?
- Will you add any optional elements to the wedding service, such as exchanging rings, lighting candles, pouring sand, having extra readings or special music; and if so what?
Answer those questions for yourself, and you'll have made a good start on customizing a wedding checklist. Answer them here, and I'll help with some additional timelines for you.