I suggest you grow up and realize that life is not a fairy tale. You are blessed with a man who loves you and you still are not satisfied. You are going to throw it up to him one time to many and he is going to walk.
You can only throw a coconut on the ground so many times before it shatters. Eventually he will crack. And you will be on here asking why your husband left.
I had a friend whose husband was hard working. He did the laundry, the cooking, maintained the home and the yard. Did the work on their vehicles himself. All he asked of her was respect. And she could not do it. She belittled him and talked to him like you are talking to your husband. And she thought he would always be there. If he got her a cat, she wanted a dog. If he bought her roses, she wanted lilies. She picked and picked and picked.
She thought a friend of ours was sexy in his uniform so she asked her husband to enlist. He joined the military to please her. All the while she nitpicked.
She ran around on him and was never there when he called from out of town. She never sent him care packages. She spent all their money partying. And still, he loved her. He called me to check on her. He just loved her. And all he wanted was to be treated with respect.
Still she nitpicked.
They moved far away to a base. He got a job at night to buy her a home. They had a child. He would get 4 hours of sleep a night. Between work and his child and the military he was exhausted. But he loved her. He would beam with pride when he showed me the picture of her and his child. His family. He loved them so. But she continued to nitpick.
He took a week off to spend time with them for the holidays. Hid his gifts at my home. Bought a turkey and all the trimmings. Called me and asked how to bake things. He did this for them. She never cooked. He planned a wonderful holiday. He never smoked, drank or went out. He lived for his family. But yet she would not be happy with him. Nothing was ever good enough. She wanted a ham. She threw the turkey in the garbage and called her mother. She took a bus to spend the remainder of the holidays with her family. And she took his child.
He was alone. He was tired. He had spent his marriage being a great man. And for what? To have a wife who was never satisfied. He could take no more.
He called a work mate. He went to their holiday party. He was a handsome and charming man. But he did not know it. She never told him. She told him he was ugly. That no one would ever want him. She was wrong. Women flocked to him at the party. He charmed them with his wit. They were basically falling at his feet. They complimented him. They brought him a plate. They brought him punch. Wow, he had never had a woman do for him. This was nice.
He went home alone. He had morals. And soon his wife returned. More of the same from her. And he continued to be a good man. But now people were asking him over. Inviting him to functions and parties. He asked his wife to join him. He found a sitter. She refused. He went anyway. For an hour at first. Then he would stay out longer and longer. Then he met the one.
He met a woman who was kind. Who talked to him like a human being. Who was happy with the dinner he bought her. Who was pleased with the gifts he gave her. Who was patient and loving. He had enough.
He did not sleep with her. Or try to kiss her. He was happy just being with her. He told her he was married and that he would see her again when he was divorced. And he went home.
He told his wife to take a vacation. And he gave her cash. Lots of cash. He would take off from work and take care of the baby. Go have fun.
She called a man and took off. He had a private detective follow her. He kept phone records. She never called to check on their child. Not once. He filed for divorce. He packed his things. He packed his child's things. He left her clothes, one bed, one set of sheets and one place setting of dishes. He left one hundred dollars for food. He turned off all the bills that were in his name and left.
Two weeks later she came home. No lights, that is strange. Wait, no car. Inside: No furniture. No baby. No husband. He had had enough.
One hundred dollars and that was it. She had no job. She had no education. She thought he would be her lap dog forever. And never have to work. She was wrong.
Cut to court. Pictures of her atop a man that was not her husband. Never calling to check on her child. Him doing so much and her never lifting a finger. Witnesses to how she spoke to him. Witnesses to her laziness. He said she could have the house. Just take over the mortgage. But he was keeping his son.
The judge ordered that he keep his son. She was ordered to sell the house and pay off the mortgage. She was ordered to pay child support and given one weekend a month and two holidays a ye