i have the perfect bouquet for you which you can pretty much make yourself the day before the wedding!
you'll need white roses and mix them up with lots of fuchsia rose buds! bunch them as big as you like, tie them together with elastics first , wrap stems with a black satin ribbon as a base to cover the elastics. crisscross fuchsia ribbon on top of the black and tie a small bow at the base of the flowers. i usually use a wide ribbon to cover the stems and a skinnier or fat silkier ribbons to crisscross over top so you can have some strands dangling from the bouquet or a nice fat bow tucked underneath the flowers.
make mini ones for your bridesmaids- or just round them all together for a bouquet session!
tip -leave the stems long so you can keep them in water and not get the ribbons wet and cut them the next day, leaving about one to two inches on the bottom just for some green.
also, wrap the stems- i've seen some brides mess up their dresses because the didnt!
(shhhh... as this is how i'm arranging the bouquets for an friends upcoming wedding... but we won't let her know, kay *wink*)
Congrats! Good luck and have fun!