My fiance and I got married last year because I was having surgery and needed insurance so we went to justice of peace and did it really quick. Well we were planning on telling his mom and other family members but they just kept talking about how excited they were to plan the wedding and help me pick out my dress and do all the decorations ect.. Well we ended up never telling them because we just couldnt crush them like that. So anyway we are finally having actual ceremony and reception and still no one knows.not even friends. Well we are having a friend marry us but not sure what to do when he asks to sign the license since we already are married. And if his family wants to sign the certificate we dont know what exactly to do about that. At this point is gone to far to tell people we have been married all this time and dont even want to go down that road. So is there a way to try and reprint another license and certificate. We are thinking that since its just a friend marrying us and this will be his first time marrying a couple that he wont even realize what he has to sign.