I know that proper way is to handwrite the addresses but I honestly do not have the time to handwrite 175 invitations. My handwriting isn't even that good and it gets sloppier the longer I write. I also don't write in cursive and haven't since like 5th grade. My invitations are going out in the mail in 2 weeks and I was thinking about just printing the addresses on them. I think that it would look better and more sophisticated. And our return addresses are already printed on the back. My sister said that she would write them but she also writes in print and I really don't think she's reliable. She was a week late with my bridal shower invites. So I just want to know what everybody else did. Did you handwrite all of yours, did you run them through a printer, or did you buy clear labels? And if you have something stupid to say please don't waste my time? Thanks!