Trust me,local jewelers are not the best way to go..
Buy from online jewelers who sell GIA,AGS,HRD and IGI.EGL is ok but not the best.
Local jewelers sell these diamonds for double and triple their prices to compensate for heir running costs.You can always get the same diamond online for 50-40%(we are talking about saving thousands here).Also online jewelers have good policies that you wont find at a local 30 days return policies.One of the jeweler in this page (James)
Has also 2 very good policies as well as the 30 days policy which are a 2 years 70% of the price if you want to sell it and lifetime upgrade policy where if you wanted a bigger diamond they will deduct the full diamond price from the new one.
I really recommend James for you they have the best prices,Stock more than 55000 certified diamonds(they are wholesellers),show pictures of the actual diamonds and certs and have really unique rings.
They are based in NY i think.You can also find some discount coupons for different online jewelers in this page here.