I've been to Paris several times and I do not find it romantic Unfortunately thousands of naive turists follow a mivie cliche and get trapped to a crowded, dirty, smelly, expensive city that not even the French want to live in.
1- France is COLD most of the year. This is not a tropical destination
2-Paris is crowded with tourists and bombarded with endless lines of tour buses and long lines to even grab a sandwich during the better climate months. It is truly a nigthmare as you cannot even get a taxi as they are so many tourists everywhere that push and shove. Most people use the subway, which is pretty good, but it STINKS and it's crowded.
3- Paris is expensive. If you want a DECENT (I'm not talking good, just decent) hotel with average necesities, you are looking at $350 night without meals and taxes. Go ahead , if you feel romantic, you can crowd yourself on those nasty tourists one-size fits-all so-called hotels that are sub-par and people will treat you like crap... because you are like the other million you visit each year . In stores, everything is locked with keys and store employees follow you as if you were a criminal. Seriously, as if you are in dare need of that $25 keychain. All the shops along the Champs Elysees and other tourists atractitions are literered with gypsies, pickpoketers, street vendors and iof you want to seek refuge from the swarm of tourists and vendors, you can go to a store and be followed by their employees (every stores has about 15 of these followers).
4- Paris STINKS. Literally, people pee in the streets producing a stench that is definetly not romantic. Particulary alon the Sacre Coer Chuch and the Notre Dame church is like smelling a public bathroom.
There are many other destinations in Europe that are far more atrative, serene and romantic. I even suggest the counry side of France or the coast (Nice fro example), but Paris is smelly, crowded and overrated. The food is good, the wine, not so much.
Good luck