Give him his moment first - wait for him to actually propose.
You also need to learn how to slow him down - he's already pressuring for you to conceive, and you're not even settled down yet.
Planning a wedding is a lot of work, and a time when you need to learn to communicate with your fiance. He may be all jazzed up about doing everything now - but does he have a secure job? Savings? Do you have enough to buy a home, and keep it in good repair? Do you both have health insurance?
You can livein a lot of places and manage a lot of things as adults - but the minute you are expecting and then have an infant, everything comes to a halt. You cannot just live any old place, and you need to be able to coast for a while - you won't be just working all the time. You'll also be shocked at how different things are the minute you get married - they just are.
Let him know you both need take this step by step, and you are as excited as he is. It can be wonderful, but there is much more to living as a married couple than he may realize, and you need to give it a good year so you can communicate as a couple, before you have a child in the middle, or it could be much different. NO matter how inlove you are, this is work, and you will have to learn to face things together. Learn to support each other, and you will have a bright future. BUt don't ever rush it.