2012-01-31 12:31:41 UTC
I've been in my current relationship for almost a year now. Despite the constant criticism and rude comments, my boyfriend Justin will be 20 in June. He was perfectly legal WHEN I met him. He lives with me as well and we definitely love each other. Justin works but it was MY choice to let him live here rent-free so he can afford child support payments for his 16-month old daughter that he has with his ex-girlfriend April. I make 75,000 a year, so I don't NEED help financially. Anyway, I was always very nice to April even though she has disrespected me to my face. Even when she fights with Justin, she brings my name up into the argument and just calling me awful, vulgar names mainly pertaining to my age. However, yesterday while Justin was at work, April called me crying her eyes out and apologizing to me over an argument that she had with Justin. At first, I didn't want to get involved but it turns out that April was in danger of getting evicted from her apartment. Justin refused to give her any more money than what the law requires him to give for his daughter. His position is if April can't responsibly afford a roof over their daughter's head then he'll gladly take custody of her. So, clearly, Justin doesn't give a damn about April's well being, he only cares about their child. That's understandable but I know that April doesn't want to give up custody of her daughter. I also don't really want to raise a kid UNLESS she had nowhere else to be; otherwise, I could have my own kids with my ex-husband. So I suggested to Justin that I will give(not loan) April whatever money she needs to keep her apartment and he got very upset with me. He ultimately told me "whatever, do what you want". Justin almost made me cry when he accused me of not allowing him to be a man because I want to "use my money to control everything".
That is so wrong. Justin has his own job, he pays for his own car and he pays his own child support for his daughter. He may be living with me for free but that's simply because I depend on NO man to pay my mortgage, utilities etc. That's the beauty of independence. Justin's age is irrelevant. I'm NOT trying to control him. I'm trying to help him. If it wasn't for me, he'd still be living with his mother(who DID in fact charge him rent) and struggling even harder to support his child. I'm just trying to make things easy for him. So, how could he resent me for it? Would I be wrong if I helped his daughter's mother out?